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HaPPy MoTheR DaY......

Esok 10 mei adalah mother day.
Jadi iezza nak ucapkan selamat hari ibu buat semua my friend yang dah menjadi ibu,mama dan mak.
Yang teristimewa juga buat ibu iezza yang tercinta dikampung dan ibu mertua juga yang berada dikampung.
Pengorbanan ibu amat bermakna buat anakmu ini.
Dan tak lupa wat diri sendiri yang tahun nie pertama kali sambut hari ibu.
Dah Jadi ibu katakan.
Terima kasih Ibu-ibu............
Happy Mother Day.....

Thank You Mom
I know how often I took you for granted
when I was growing up.
I always assumed you'd be there
when I needed you...
and you always were.
But I never really thought about what that meant
till I got older and began to realize
how often your time and energy were devoted to me.
so now, for all the times I didn't say it before,
thank you, Mom...I love you so very much!

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